• Horses and Humans Research Foundation, P.O. Box 480, Chagrin Falls OH 44022, funds a wide range of research projects. Here is a synopsis of one recent study focused on (Hippotherapy) for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
  • “Washington University of Medicine, Program in Occupational Therapy, St. Louis, MO -Principal Investigator: Tim Shurtleff

  • It is always a truly exciting moment when a research project that we funded is “completed”! This marks the culmination of years of work for the research team and the beginning of the fulfillment of the investment of our donors. The findings stated below are exciting! They also mean the start of new work which can take more months or years to achieve, as the research team moves forward to attain publication in a peer-reviewed journal. Our sincere gratitude goes out to the research team and the donors who have brought us this far. This will not be the last you will hear about this project. Kudos to all!

  • The study measured outcomes from Occupational and Physical Therapy using horse movement (Hippotherapy) for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The project followed thirteen children with Autism Spectrum Disorder as they participated in 12 weeks of weekly hippotherapy sessions. The team explored relationships between physical skill changes and sensory processing improvements that many have observed after hippotherapy treatment with this population and how those changes are related to social responsiveness.

  • Results: Data showed that several “life outcomes” were found to be significant; parents reported the children learned to listen better, were less stubborn or sullen, showed higher levels of confidence during participation in activities, played and interacted more appropriately with peers and they gained better body awareness. Based upon the results, hippotherapy treatment may provide an alternative treatment that could enable children with ASD to participate more in typical activities of childhood with their peers.”

  • Austism study application and details